About Me


Result-driven Web Developer with an aptitude for building front and back-end web applications that are engaging and user-friendly. A connoisseur of people engagement through creative storytelling, teamwork collaboration, and adaptive reasoning to ensure technical feasibility for stakeholders. Adept problem-solver focused on championing vibrant and clean designs that offer functionality and simplicity.

Artistically oriented developer who thinks beyond the surface level - deeper than what’s necessary; what’s affective. No opportunity too small for an artistic approach and no product without room for analysis. Ongoing ethos to note analyze and implement artistic values in all aspects of life with the goal of improving quality of life for any and all through philosophical altruism and candid communications.

Hi there! My name is Alex, I’m an artist. That's me right over there in that picture. I grew up in the suburbs of DC, childhood on the Maryland side, teenage years in Virginia. From an early age I've found myself in love with nature and with connecting to the earth. As I get older I realize I'm channeling that same love into my art, I’ve always had a hand for the visual arts but my real affinity lies with music. To quote Albus Dumbledore music is “a magic beyond all we do here” and although the “here” to which he was referring is the magical school Hogwarts I believe we can apply it to our existence as humans. What I mean when I say that is that music has ways of affecting us that we don’t even fully comprehend, ways we don’t even notice. If you’ve ever had someone point out a particular chord change or flourish and note the emotional attachment you may be familiar with the “ah-ha” moment of putting words to a feeling you’ve never realized you were experiencing.

It may seem off topic but I mention music because it’s a very convenient metaphor for the framework with which I view life and communication. Just like a minor chord elicits a sad emotion there are variables in our day-to-day lives of which we may not be explicitly aware but which have a profound affect on our perception and therefore our emotions. My goal therefore as a developer is to bring an artistic and philosophical ethos into the context of web design and creation. In design every detail from the small to the large has a crucial role to play when manipulating the effect your product will have. Ultimately this applies to everything in life, from the color of stop signs to the width of a sidewalk; every single detail is relevant and chains together.